WordPress sitebuilder

How to build a WordPress site?

Until fifteen years ago, if you wanted to build a website, you had to be familiar with HTML and know how to run complex programs built for programmers.

Today, things are completely different and webside builder systems compete with each other who will open the most convenient system to the unskilled user.

Today, WordPress controls the site construction arena with a system that is highly customizable in terms of design and adding special features. Such as forums, video galleries, animations or various forms.

The system is so easy that many of its users are schoolchildren and adults who dislike any other content management system.

How do we install WordPress for the first time?

Most storage companies now have a built-in option to build a WordPress site with a single click.

You choose which site you want to install the system and install it in a few minutes and provide you with a user name and password that you have entered at the connection you will receive.

How to choose a suitable template?

There are tens of thousands of formats suitable for WordPress and there is also the possibility to build a template from scratch.

The template should fit in design and functionality for the purposes we want to achieve.

A particular template will fit into a store that sells electronics and a different template will be suitable for a hosting company.


WordPress plugins are pieces of code that join the installed template and enable different functions

Such as filling out forms by the surfer, protecting the site from viruses and virtual threats, identifying and deleting spam responses and many other things as far as the opinion is concerned.

We recommend that you go into the plugin area on your WordPress site and be impressed by the great selection of existing plugins.

The plugins will solve almost any problem, but at the same time you should be careful not to overdo it because installing multiple plugins will slow your site and create a poor customer experience.

If an extension does not work properly or seems redundant, you can delete it and the site will function as if it had never been installed on it.


The templates and plugins and versions of WordPress need occasional updates to work properly.

You can set up an automatic update or update it manually.

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